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The Allstar Cheerleading Championships

The Difference is in the Details

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Compete with Champions

Earn your National Championship Title by competing against teams both nationally and internationally at all levels: Allstar, School, Competitive Rec, Dance and College Divisions allowing you to compete against a variety of competitors. Earn points towards National Rankings and Credits to the Open Championship Series.

Detailed feedback in all categories providing insight on scoring from experienced, qualified judges. 

National Championship Rings awarded to Level Champions at Live Challenge Series Events, and  Prizes for Grand Champions. 

All participants at each live events will receive custom designed medals for each event. Athlete Awards for all virtual events.

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Earn Your Bids

Earn your Bid to The Allstar World Championship.

Full Paid and At Large Bids will be awarded to the top teams at our LIVE Challenge Series Events.

At Large Bids will be awarded to the top teams at our Virtual Send Off Showcase Event.

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Challenge Series

Live National Championship Event with Full Paid and At Large Bids to The Allstar World Championship. Custom Designed participation medals for all athletes, National Championship Rings for Level Champions, Division Championship and Team Placement Banners, Individual participant gifts, and prizes for Grand Champions.

Showcase Series

Virtual Events to provide scores and feedback to prepare for the Season. At Large Bids to The Allstar World Championship and Free Live Stream Virtual Event. Athlete participant banners, Division Championship and Team Placement Banners.

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